The Myth of Tuesday
Tuesday has this envious(or would I say non-envious) tradition of being associated with superstitions in various cultures across the globe. The Indians believe no new endevour must commence on a Tuesday, the Spanish believe the day brings ill-luck ... a proverb runs En martes, ni te cases ni te embarques (on Tuesday, neither get married nor start a journey).
The truth behind these beliefs(from an Hindu Mythology perspective) is that contrary to the popular belief, Tuesday is the most auspicious day of the week...too auspicious to be involved in anything worldly. The day is a special day for Lord Subramanya, the Lord with unbounded knowledge and wisdom. Knowledge leads to wisdom and wisdom at its profound best shows that worldly deads are mere illusions with no relevance to true happiness. It is perhaps due to this fact, Tuesdays and all days special to Lord Subramanya(the day of the Krithigai star, Shasti-the sixth phase of the waning moon etc.), are believed to be wrong days for any special activities other than routine.
...on a cold monsoon Tuesday evening of 26th week of 2005, myself Srikanth finally launched his blog, "leaves from the diary". I say "finally" because it was an act that was prolonged for months if not years. I did not plan it for a fact i realised this angle only after i pressed the submit button for blog creation. But then, I will not term this act "worldly" and hence will tell myself that I have not violated that unwritten, emperical rule.
I am yet to update my profile. I never thought of it that day, nor do I have any inclination to do it now. Perhaps postings here need to be given an opportunity to introduce the author to the world rather than mere profiles.