Wednesday, November 09, 2005

A few observations.

The dew drops on a Lotus leaf. Neither can they declare attachment to one another, nor can they ever seperate ways.

The flower that blossoms in Sunshine. One brightens the other everyday, yet expects or recieves nothing in reciprocation!

The water fall! The rocks so arranged that fall of water is the only fall on earth that can be beautiful!

Sights so beautiful...ah, why wouldn't they be. After all, acts of love without the fangs of possessiveness are supremely beautiful and priceless.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Further to a suggetion of a good friend, I herewith record 7 improbable(if not impossible) things i want to do:

1. An around-the-world trip in a hot air balloon.
2. Act in a Shakespeare play in the Royal Albert Hall, London.
3. Be witness to our Armed Forces battling it out there with the militants(The former deserve any and all acts of tribute)
4. Learn swimming and then, swim across to Vivekananda rock(Ah! some men are so worth to be imitated, yet so difficult..:) )
5. An evening in...oops...with Paris (Hilton) ( i call it improbable because i wonder if that event will ever end, once started !)
6. A vacation in Space ( Ah, those martian instincts)
7. (another thing I want to do is to complete the 7th point)

Any help from the blogger community to help fulfil any of the above points will be highly appreciated.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Thanks Vishnu, for having brought me into the loop...

Seven things I plan to do:
1. Get my drivers' license for a four-wheeler
2. Complete a marathon race without a "pit-stop".
3. Watch 4 movies back-to-back in cinema halls in a single day!!(Its fun to test endurance)
4. Make atleast one visit to Kailas-Manasarovar(The beauty is simply bewitching)
5. Take to yoga for better fitness.
6. Blog more often than I do now.
7. And I better take my Distance Management course to take the exams coming up.

Seven things I can't do:

1. Sleep beyond 7 hrs.
2. Take a dog for a jog.
3. Cook
4. stop liking sweets
5. shop for more than 45 min.
6. stop reading and re-reading Shakespeare's works(..and each time its all the more interesting)
7. dance salsa!!!

Seven things I say most often:

1. Okkk
2. gosh!
3. ahaaa...Oru K(g)ruppa thaanya alairanga(comedian Vadivelu's punchline)
4. Naaye ( Vishnu and I are custodians of Points 3 and 4)
5. maga
6. well...
7. Good

I now pass on the baton to Nidhi.