Sunday, February 26, 2006

Redundancy – The hot job

I am glad that Lady Destiny offered to me the communion with Mr. Officer, an individual of the “Hard Work Pays” Order. My observations and subsequent inferences on him have helped me in a great way, to deduce my further conduct in the Professional World.
A person with a 15 hr workday for 6 days in a week, Mr. Officer is a man of energy. Be it going boundary-less at work, be it silently undertaking the load of peer-inefficiencies, or be it religiously making himself present at every cross-road of business transaction, he definitely portrayed a man of zeal and rock solid commitment. The last point is note-worthy. Officer took it to be his austere duty to have his fingerprints on almost every activity in his realm of Operations. This was not with an intention of overt self-importance or its likes that often drags one to illusionary heights, only to throw one down later. This was more with an intention of taking personal responsibility of all activities that unfolded in his realm. And from responsibility and accountability arises character and with character rise leaders – courageous leaders. Mr. Officer, in my eyes was definitely a leader, a long-distance front-runner with the followers far and strewn.
It was more than year of observation that lead me to see the fact! The race that Officer was running was not on a racetrack or road, but on a treadmill! He was running hard and perspiring as a result, all right, but was never moving from his start point!! He was tiring, though his zeal was unshaken, the “alleged” distance recorded by the treadmill meter made him smile, but then, progress as mentioned earlier was only “alleged” progress. This stark truth shook me, saddened me! A man of worth, this guy was enjoying only “alleged” growth. My analyses and further deductions on this sorry commerce between effort and reward were thus.
Officer was working with the entire load on his inviting shoulders. He worked in a fashion that made his fingerprints a necessary mark on every activity to be deemed a success. In other words, his little professional kingdom completely depended on him for its survival and Operations. He very well understood this, however, this fact only pleased his humble ego and did not awaken his fore thinking abilities. He never saw the pole that he was making out of himself without which the beautiful climber could never exist. Alas, Selflessness, thou art an outsider in the business Warfield.
Person-dependency can prove to be dangerous for businesses today. For an individual who propagate and practice this, it can be fatal. As a result of detailed understanding of the problem and zeal to overcome it, no matter however routine its frequency be, he goes about his functioning. Escaping the problem is a crime for him. However, is escaping from the very occurrence of the problem a crime? This question never arises to him. Elimination of the very occurrence is the crux of the solution. Setting up of systems that do not cause dependency on certain individuals is the crux of maturity of the self and the team. With change being the only unchanged aspect of human existence, the success of the projects that he handles has increasingly begun depending on unchangeable processes. In short, redundancy of the person, nay, not the person but that of the role that he plays is the need of the hour. Slipping out of the role that we hold without negatively impacting the functioning of the role is what I mean here.
And by redundancy of role, arises the freeing up of individuals who have been instrumental in such designing, and this pool of freed up geniuses is meant for higher orders of professional and personal life. Being irreplaceable can make one immobile and stunt ones progresses. And hence, what one considered a pet project slowly turns to be a predator on oneself! And hence processes and disciplined adherence to them has this undoubted, enviable importance.

I have been writing for quite some time now. I am amazed about what Mr. Officer has unveiled to me. Something so lush in its meaning and relevance. Mr. Officer is definitely a leader.

Note: This account has been triggered from inputs from a budding successful professional.


srikanth said...

U bet! And that's the irony. The dictionary meaning for redundancy is "joblessness", and that demands tremendous energy!

Rashmi said...

True thing that, 'selflessness'