Saturday, November 05, 2005

Further to a suggetion of a good friend, I herewith record 7 improbable(if not impossible) things i want to do:

1. An around-the-world trip in a hot air balloon.
2. Act in a Shakespeare play in the Royal Albert Hall, London.
3. Be witness to our Armed Forces battling it out there with the militants(The former deserve any and all acts of tribute)
4. Learn swimming and then, swim across to Vivekananda rock(Ah! some men are so worth to be imitated, yet so difficult..:) )
5. An evening in...oops...with Paris (Hilton) ( i call it improbable because i wonder if that event will ever end, once started !)
6. A vacation in Space ( Ah, those martian instincts)
7. (another thing I want to do is to complete the 7th point)

Any help from the blogger community to help fulfil any of the above points will be highly appreciated.


Child Woman said...

u have a lovely blog title :)

srikanth said...

Thank you. Will meet you with a box of sweets for this. :)
You made my day

Shyam said...

yeah, improbable.....How true!
I wish I could take you 2 fulfill one of ur wishes,i.e., witness the skirmish with militants.

srikanth said...

Hey Major, belated birthday wishes. Hope you had a great day.

srikanth said...

@ Nidhi

I would really like to pen a short story in cartoons!

The imagination and art that goes into cartooning bewitches me and I wish I handle atleast one project of this sort.

Now you are tagged. :)) Pls carry forward the chain.