Friday, August 12, 2011

A spider's web

Built in a fissure amidst sprawling walls,
Thy silky maze stood for a scheming pall.
Woven from one’s own secreted wire,
The web has an artist to pause and admire.

To watch its arrest and to feast on its gruel,
With hunger satiated, what pride didn’t it fuel.
The triumphed binds glorified by many a prey
Thy hunter’s instincts have left fewer in fray!

But the choicest nectars from a bee’s mining,
And amidst picturesque petals, a butterfly’s dining,
Alas, evade thee that hath a castle to guard,
And a guardian too often is a captive inward.

Built in the vault amidst birth and passing,
Our world is a maze of our own dressing,
Springing from the self, many a thought envision
Our world of perfection yet hath us imprisoned.

However laborious, habits need to be severed,
Thus torch our schemes, however they be revered.
For it is by painfully consuming the web, in glee,
The spider-a survivor, turns that seeker in a bee.

A spider's web is a unique phenomenon. Built between two surfaces, by the secretions from the spider, it is meticulously woven and re-woven to capture its prey. So involved is a spider in waiting for its prey and "fine-tuning" its web before and after, that one wonders if the spider in truth is a prisoner of its own making. He doesn't get to enjoy the rich nectar like a bee or dance in a garden like a butterfly. And at times, his web doesn't spare him and ends up trapped.
Such is our lot as well.
We spin our world into being with our thoughts and tendencies that spring from our heart. We build our schemes, gaurd them like a spider does. Needless to say, we lead an unenviable life inspite of our victories and riches.
We killing our habits and withdrawing our assumptions, can make us permenantly free and happy; just like a spider withdrawing its web into itself can make it as free as a bee that seeks the best of nectar.


Preethi Simha said...

The poem is awesome.
You have proved again that you are a master spinner of words like the spider itself.
The fact is what you've written,but how often do we get to be like it. Requires a lot of courage.

srikanth said...

:-) Thanks. That was a nice piece of appreciation.
You right, habits die hard...v hard.

Rashmi said...

Poem is top stuff, the analogy apt. However another probable take on a spider's life can be attempted to understand the Lord's beauty in all His creations. He has created a spider, that tiny little creature with fine limbs to build a thing of beauty in places where one least expects: between walls of a man made building, branches of a tree etc. With such a small figure and finer limbs, how can it be expected to survive? It can neither sting like a bee nor fly like a beautiful butterfly. Each of His creations are unique,serving a different purpose & make up the wonderful matrix of existence on this planet, as we know it. The spider's web can support droplets of water, much more heavier than itself or all its preys. I recollect reading that a strand of spiderweb of equal dimensions is far stronger than that of man made steel. Glory be to the Lord and all His creations (though I cannot fathom what beauty or value to food chain do the hyenas add!) :P

srikanth said...

Hey Rashmi.....nice perspective. Never thought of this aspect.