Wednesday, November 09, 2005

A few observations.

The dew drops on a Lotus leaf. Neither can they declare attachment to one another, nor can they ever seperate ways.

The flower that blossoms in Sunshine. One brightens the other everyday, yet expects or recieves nothing in reciprocation!

The water fall! The rocks so arranged that fall of water is the only fall on earth that can be beautiful!

Sights so beautiful...ah, why wouldn't they be. After all, acts of love without the fangs of possessiveness are supremely beautiful and priceless.


srikanth said...

My observations and inferences from those observations. :)

Your opinion on my observations pls.

Sleepyface said...

.. When i see the dew drops separately from the lotus leaf, i have successfuly seen through the detachment that exists.... so with the other examples cited..

..but i fail to detach the knowledge and the me.. the body and the soul.. and constantly fall into an illusion..

pray tell me is it because sights are beautiful when seen detached? or a does a sense of attachment lend beauty too?

srikanth said...

My comments were of the flavour that, to love and to possess are two different aspects, and one necessarily need not lead to another.

But thinking in your lines, and stepping a rung below in my views on my blog, all this is an illusion.
All that exsists is the One, hence detachment and attachment hold no value. What is there other than the One, so that attachment and detachment can be enabled? There is nothing.

srikanth said...

We are just in the midst of a very enriching dialogue( @ Oneness of Self, attachment et al). Pray permit us to continue to learn out of such verbal transactions.

Sleepyface said...

No, as an ardent follower and descendant of the race which has embraced the Vishishtadvaita philosophy, i dffer. There is no one, in fact this is the same question i have asked you in my previous comment. detaching the knowledge and me i may represent a part of unity but, how do you account for knowledge my friend?

srikanth said...

How would you define this term called knowledge?
Give me thoughts, and then, I'll give mine.

srikanth said...

Interesting direction given by Nidhi's thoughts. "Knowing what measures(called catalyst here)to adopt in situations, and the timing and dosage( :) ) of their use is the way to live life", is what i read her say. This topic truely warrants a conversation sometime...will keep that in the agenda.

However, closing on my previous comments: My view is, true knowledge is when the Self is realised, and when one abides effortlessly in the Self.

So saying, I close my comments, unless you guys want to take this forward.

Anonymous said...

Lovely post.

I agree. In my words...

When you try to possess another, you deplete yourself in order to incorporate a notion of lack. The loss is in the experience of love because that is your substance. When love is back, you are full by yourself and so is the other. But you now own each other the only true way you can. By being the same entity made of love.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Your time starts now. :)

Anonymous said...

But I know you're busy. Your deadline is Dec 2006. :)