Sunday, October 14, 2007

A Traveler’s Testimony

When my tired fingers find thy silken palm,
So generous in warmth, so loving in embrace,
Like the desert traveler who in trees of Palms,
Finds a noble companion in a wretched trace.

When thy eyes blink at me, so full and grand,
I vow that I finally have seen my deity,
For is there any other than my love, on this land,
Whose looks disarm me with unmatched beauty?

A mere pilgrim I am to the monument of love,
Wherein thou art my companion, thou art my deity,
Among relationships this is that sweetest dove,
Whose purity turns cast iron eyes misty.

No monument of marble, built by lovers’ pedigree,
No lyrics that have found musicians’ strings,
These verses are my humble portrait to thee,
Of our love that hath set my emotions to wings.


Sleepyface said...

hmm... the deity sure sounds impressive. when do we get the darshan?

srikanth said...

You need to see your deity first

Sleepyface said...

I believe in a lot of deities. The ONE supreme takes a lot of forms. You might've seen one, three or five of them already.

srikanth said...
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srikanth said...

I believe in the ONE deity...searching for a companion to help find the ONE.

Unknown said...

who is this glorified deity may i ask.. and no dnt try to be smart and give me philosophy

srikanth said...

@Srividya: O aggressive questioner, do not read this as the poet's chronicles. It is his attempt to live a role and write out of it. His next work "Mother's love story" is another such attempt.